•Windows Live Gamer tag: BLIZACK
•Name: Paul
•Age: 29
•Gender: You know the MAN in the Old Spice commercial? They made him after me.
1v1 23/24 not much of a 1v1 player
2v2 31/34 had a buddy that was good played a fair amount with, but then he went less active and the pickup mates since have sucked, haven't played 2v2 in a long time
3v3 29/30 play this pretty much exclusively, I also end up playing this 90% of the time as a random team matchup. Otherwise this crappy statistic would be a heck of a lot higher.
•Favorite Race: Eldar, got to 60 with them, so I've been screwing around with SM and Nids for a challenge. Hate playing orcs, suck with them.
•Reason for applying for [Red Alliance]?: #1 THQ created no means to manage any sort of friends system or chat room. #2 GFWL friends system and chat sucks beyond belief. For those reasons I desperately need not only skilled 'friends' to play with, but a reliable means to keep in contact with a group such as yourselves. Oh yeah, and I'm tired of constantly chatting away to useless random teammates in an attempt to give them pointers on what they should be doing, but by the time I hit the ENTER button they've suicided their units in glorious fashion. I mean seriously, me and a couple of TR 10s vs a trio of 30s has happened too many times to count. Sorry for the venting, but boy do I feel better!